District Seeks No Tax Increase Levy Adjustment to Become Eligible for Small School Funds

Macks Creek R-V School District Proposition 

The Macks Creek School Board has placed a proposition on the ballot for voters to consider on Tuesday, April 2, 2019.  This proposition represents a true no-tax increase in that our tax levy will remain at $3.84 regardless of whether or not it is approved by the voters.  In a nutshell, tax payers are being asked to consider moving 10 cents from the Fund III (debt service property tax levy) to Fund I (adjusted operating tax levy).  In Missouri, small rural schools who have less than 350 students are eligible for additional state funding if they have a minimum Fund I levy of $3.43 (our current Fund I levy is approximately $3.33).  The district estimates if voters approve, it will receive approximately $70,000 each year in additional funds (from the state’s Small Schools Fund) while still having enough revenue in Fund III to pay back bond holders (for the voter approved bond issue which funded our elementary remodel and addition project in 2015).  The district hopes to utilize these additional small school funds to continue to make improvements in technology for our students and to maintain a competitive salary schedule to attract and retain highly qualified teachers.  Thank you voters for your consideration of this proposition. Below is the proposition as it will appear on the April 2nd ballot:   


Shall the Board of Education of Macks Creek R-V School District of Camden County, Missouri, be authorized to increase the adjusted operating tax levy by $0.10 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation for the purpose of school operations?

 If this question is approved, the adjusted operating property tax levy of the school district is expected to increase to $3.43 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation. The District expects to make a corresponding reduction to its debt service property tax levy of $0.10, resulting in no increase to the District’s estimated total property tax levy.