Thirty-one members of Leadership Camden County, a program through the Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce, paid a visit to Macks Creek Schools on Wednesday, touring the high school and also speaking with student organizations. Members were treated to coffee and cookies in the Adell LMC upon arrival.
In the library, Junior STUCO members Brooklyn Duggan, Emma Seaholm, and India Willis spoke about the many different events that are hosted by STUCO. Among those are the many different spirit weeks, the ‘Dude. Be Nice’ initiative, and homecoming. Third Grade teacher Kim Kaibel talked to the group about Parents As Teachers (PAT), an organization that helps serve families with children ages birth to five. Mrs. Kaibel said that PAT is a big proponent of ‘play to learn’ and can utilize toys and items in the home to help children develop. Mrs. Candy Bothwell then spoke about the school’s rootEd program, stressing the importance that it plays in helping Seniors prepare for post-secondary goals they have, whether in education, the work force, or other options they choose to pursue. She shared that students work on brag sheets, resumes, and apply for both student aid (FAFSA) and scholarships. Another key point was that the process starts with the Juniors and moves forward from there.
The group then went to the gym where Macks Creek Senior Caleb Phillips, a member of Leadership Camden County, shared the different athletics that Macks Creek has to offer its students. He shared that in the Fall there is cross country, softball, middle school basketball and middle school cheer; in Winter there is high school basketball and cheer, as well as the first year for boys and girls wrestling; and then in the Spring there is baseball, high school and middle school track, and softball.
From there Caleb and Leanna Tower, another Macks Creek Senior member of Leadership Camden, took two different groups around the building. They were able to meet with FFA, where students shared the different projects that they were working on, their upcoming trip to the National Convention, as well as the archery program and its different levels. Sophomore FFA members Trenton Campbell, Kassidy Campbell, and Morgan Buck helped to lead the presentation with FFA sponsor Mrs. Debbie Wommack watching.
The group was able to listen to the school’s FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) speak. Senior Ashlee Klinksick shared how her experience with FBLA helped her to overcome her fear of speaking in front of a large group of people and the impact it had on her. Freshman Calvin Eidson shared about the different activities that the group had been a part of, as well as their recent visit to the Fall Leadership Conference in Columbia and their upcoming Leadership Conference in Dallas, TX.
Members were also able to visit with the school’s Music Department and teacher, Ms. Melani Biggers. She was able to share how the music program has grown through many different programs, including Rock U, Choir on Fire, and a new item, marching band.
Junior STUCO Members Brooklyn Duggan, Emma Seaholm, and India Willis share about STUCO. Also pictured is sponsor, HS ELA Teacher Mrs. Jessica Cowan
Third Grade Kim Kaibel shares about PAT
rootEd Advisor Candy Bothwell speaks about the program.
Senior Caleb Phillips shares about the District's athletic programs.
Sophomore FFA Members Morgan Buck, Kassidy Campbell, and Trenton Arnold speaking about FFA. Also pictured is FFA Sponsor, Mrs. Debbie Wommack.
Freshman Calvin Eidson and Senior Ashlee Klinksick share their FBLA experiences and projects.